Wednesday, December 13, 2023





 ◯Seek legal and other expert advice early。事前に法律と関係の専門家の意見を聞く
 ◯Consult your loved ones。身内と相談
 ◯Make a plan。計画を立てる
 ◯Carefully weigh the options of being anonymous/confidential versus public。匿名/非公開か公開かを慎重に検討
 ◯Work within your workplace for as long as possible without incurring suspicions。疑われるのを避けるためにできるだけ長く同じ職場で働く
 ◯Stick to the facts and don’t embellish。事実のみ、飾らない
 ◯Create a contemporaneous paper trail or journal。即席の紙上記録か日誌を作成
 ◯Carefully secure and protect evidence before drawing suspicion。疑われる前に証拠を安全に格納する
 ◯Engage in whistleblowing on your own time, with your own resources。自力で告発を行う
 ◯Test the waters with trusted colleagues。信頼できる同僚で試す
 ◯Engage in self-care。自分で自分の心身のケアをする

 ■Unwarranted discipline思わぬ試練
  Job termination,
  Pay reduction,
  Benefit reduction,
  Exclusion from work opportunities,
  Unwanted job transfers or assignments
  Threats of disciplinary action.
 ■Bad publicity
 ■Damage to physical or emotional health

 (The Benefits of Being a Whistleblower)
 ■Helping your co-workers, your clients, and the public
 ■Reducing or eliminating your personal liability
 ■Peace of mind
 ■Financial rewards


■What You Should Doすべきこと
 Step 1: Check the Facts事実確認
 Step 2: Gather Evidence証拠集め
 (Don't use company resources to do this, because you may be vulnerable to charges of theft.)決して会社のリソースを使わないこと!
  Performance evaluations.
  Attendance records.
  Benefit information, such as retirement and healthcare.
  Documentation of work assignments, and which tasks are your responsibility.
  Any handbooks or reports that discuss company rules and policies.
  Letters about your performance (for example, a thank-you letter from management, co-workers, or other staff).
 Step 3: Decide How to Proceed
 Step 4: Decide Who to Tell

■Consequences of Whistleblowing
1.Retaliation – Possible corporate retaliation could include the following:
  Harmful gossip and harassment from co-workers.
  Negative job performance evaluation.
Withheld wages.
  Loss of benefits or privileges.
  Work that's carefully watched by supervisors.
  Demotion, or denial of promotion.
  Termination or forced retirement.
2.Impact on co-workers 
3.Future job search
4.Court costs 

 1. Lack of Transparency
 2. Less Staff Motivation and Productivity
 3. Drop in Public Trust
 4. Financial Loss and Regulatory Fines
 5. Reputation Damage
 6. Reduced Staff Retention
 7. Poor Risk Management
 8. More Retaliation


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