Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Open Source DVD Ripper HandBrake ビデオDVDを MP4,MKV,AVI ,OGMなどに変換する無料ソフト

 HandBrakeは、DVDやDVDのISOイメージをメディアプレーヤーやPS3/Xbox360/PSPなどのゲーム機などで再生できる形式に変換できるエンコードツールです。 現在は著作権法に抵触するが、MP4,MKV,AVI ,OGMなどに直接変換できます。また、コンテンツのグループ化もできます。


    ペスコ・ベジタリアン(魚菜食): 肉、卵、乳製品は食べないが、魚介類は取る。



  • ラクト・オボ・ベジタリアン (Lacto-ovo-vegetarian) 乳卵菜食、乳製品と卵は食べる。
  • ラクト・ベジタリアン (Lacto-vegetarian) 乳菜食者。乳製品は食べる。チーズは乳製品であるが、牛を屠畜して胃を取り出して消化液を集めたレンネット(凝乳酵素)を使用して作成されたものは食べない。
  • オボ・ベジタリアン (Ovo-vegetarian) 卵菜食者。卵は食べる(鳥や魚介類などの違いは問わない)。無精卵に限り摂る人もいる。
  • ヴィーガン (Vegan) 純粋菜食者 完全菜食主義者。倫理的、環境的な理由で 乳製品、蜂蜜等も含む動物性の食品を一切摂らず、革、ウール製品、そして娯楽等食用以外の動物の使用も排除する哲学、人々。
  • ダイエタリー・ヴィーガン (Dietary Vegan)。ヴィーガンと同様に、植物性食品の食事をするが、食用以外の動物の利用を必ずしも避けようとしない。日本語の菜食主義者のイメージは、むしろダイエタリー・ヴィーガンに近いと思われる。
  • ピュア・ベジタリアン (Pure-Vegetarian)。西洋では主にヴィーガンと同義で使われるが、インド社会においては後述するラクト・ベジタリアンかつラクト・オボ・ベジタリアンでない(乳製品は摂るが卵を食べない)人々を言う。
  • オリエンタル・ベジタリアン (Oriental Vegetarian) 仏教系の菜食主義者菜食主義であるが、五葷(ごくん。にんにく、にら、らっきょう、ねぎあるいはたまねぎ、あるいは浅葱)を摂らない。食用以外の動物の利用を必ずしも避けようとしない。またベジタリアンの要素は満たしているものの、国際ベジタリアン連合が紛らわしい用語としているものにフルータリアンがある。
  • フルータリアン (Fruitarian) 果食主義者、果物常食者
  • ヴィーガン (Vegan) との違いは、植物を殺さない食品のみを食べること(リンゴの実を収穫してもリンゴの木は死なないが、ニンジンは死んでしまう)。収穫しても植物自体を殺さないという考えに基づいて食物を食べる人々。果物、トマト、ナッツ類等、木に実り植物自体の生命に関わらない部分を食べる。より厳格に熟して落ちた実しか食べない人々もいる。

Monday, April 29, 2013

Column Selection with a Text Editor テキスト・エディタで列を編集ごとにする方法




Friday, April 19, 2013

How to Change The Background Color of Inactive Code in Eclipseのアクティブではないソースコードの背景色を変更


Preferences -> C/C++ -> Editor -> Inactive Code Highlight

How to Add More Fonts to Imagick にフォントを追加する方法

 使い方はスクリプトの使い方に書かれる通りで、まず以下のコマンドでフォントのリストを記述するXMLファイルを生成します。"/mydir/"はフォントの所在ディレクトリです。 find /mydir/ -name '*.ttf' | imagick_type_gen -f - > ~/.magick/type-myfonts.xml  次に、同「/.magick/」のしたにある、「type.xml」に、以下のようにそのXMLファイルを追加します。

       <include file="type-system.xml" />
       <include file="type-myfonts.xml" />

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
(my $prog = $0) =~ s/^.*\///;
sub Usage {
  die @_, &herefile( qq{
    | Usage: $prog > ~/.magick/type.xml
    |        $prog [-d] font1.ttf font2.ttf ... > type.xml
    |        $prog -f ttf_font_file_list > type.xml
    | Generate an ImageMagick font list "type.xml" file for ALL fonts
    | currently on the local linux system. This includes
    |     True Type Fonts (ttf)
    |     Ghostscript Fonts (afm)
    |     Open Type Fonts (otf)
    | The output can be saved into files in the ".magick" sub-directory of
    | your home, to be referenced by, or replacing the "type.xml" file.
    | This file informs ImageMagick of the fonts location, font type, name and
    | family.  It also trys its best to clean up the name to provide a 'nicer'
    | one for you to identify the various fonts.
    | By default the fonts are found using the linux "locate" command, so run
    | "updatedb" if you only just added new fonts to your computer.
    | However you can use a "-f" option to read the font filenames from a
    | file, or from STANDARD INPUT (using a "-" for a file name).
    | For example...
    |   find /home/user/my/font/dir/ -name '*.ttf' | \
    |      imagick_type_gen -f - > ~/.magick/type-myfonts.xml
    | You can then include that into your own personal "~/.magick/type.xml"
    | file or the system-wide "type.xml" which has a form like...
    |     <typemap>
    |       <include file="type-system.xml" />
    |       <include file="type-myfonts.xml" />
    |     </typemap>
    | Note that later defintions will override earlier ones. As such "myfonts"
    | will override any "system" font.  However any fonts that the IM system
    | configures in /usr/lib/ImageMagick-*/config/type*.xml will override the
    | both the above definitions, if the same font name is used (unlikely).
    | When the "type.xml" font definitions file has been generated and
    | installed, should then see a list of the fonts found with...
    |    convert -list font
    | And can use the fonts, by name, with commands like...
    |    convert -font Candice -pointsize 72 label:Anthony  x:
    | Instead of having to specifying TTF font file directly...
    |    convert -font ~/lib/font/truetype/favoriate/candice.ttf \
    |            -pointsize 72 label:Anthony  x:
    | NOTE before IM v6.1.2-3  the font list file was called "type.mgk" and
    | not "type.xml".  And you would use "-list type" instead of "-list font"
    | Also see the script "show_fonts" which displays a sample image either
    | a IM defined font, or the given font files. The "graphics_utf" script
    | may also be useful to look at specific UTF character sections of a
    | specific font, such as Math symbols.
    |  Anthony Thyssen  May 2003        Updated  January 2009
# Internal working notes...
# Originally the script used an external tool to read TTF fonts, but now
# that is built-in thanks to   Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>
# WARNING: Input arguments are NOT tested for correctness.
# This script represents a security risk if used ONLINE.
# I accept no responsiblity for misuse. Use at own risk.
# The original version of this script was found on
#   http://studio.imagemagick.org/pipermail/magick-users/2003-March/001703.html
# by  raptor <raptor@unacs.bg>, presumaibly around  March 2002
# Re-Write by Anthony Thyssen <anthony@cit.griffith.edu.au>, August 2002
# May 2003   Update with TTF family names
# Oct 2005   Update to use "getttinfo" if available
use strict;
use Fcntl qw( O_RDONLY SEEK_SET );
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");

my $VERBOSE = 0; # verbose output of fonts found
my $DEBUG   = 0; # debug TTF file decoding

# ======================================================================
# Subroutines...
# ======================================================================
# True Type fonts Handling
my $ttf_template = herefile( q{
  |   <type
  |      format="ttf"
  |      name="%s"
  |      glyphs="%s"
  |      />
my $ttf_template_full = herefile( q{
  |   <type
  |      format="ttf"
  |      name="%s"
  |      fullname="%s"
  |      family="%s"
  |      glyphs="%s"
  |      />

sub ttf_file_parse {
  # Method for Parsing TTF files curtesy of
  #     Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>
  my $file = $_[0];
  my ( $font_family, $font_fullname, $font_psname ) = ( '','','','' );

  my ( $fh, $len );
  unless ( sysopen( $fh, $file, O_RDONLY ) ) {
    warn "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
  my $header;
  unless ( sysread( $fh, $header, 12 ) ) {
    warn "Cant read header: $file";
  my ( $sfnt_version, $numTables, $searchRange, $entrySelector, $rangeShift
     ) = unpack( 'Nnnnn', $header );

  my $sfnt_version_code = unpack( 'A4', $header );
  unless (  $sfnt_version == 0x00010000
         || $sfnt_version_code eq 'true'
         || $sfnt_version_code eq 'typ1' ) {
    warn "TTF Version mismatch, not a basic TrueType font file: $file";

  print STDERR "TTF Table count: $numTables\n" if $DEBUG>=2;
  foreach ( 1..$numTables ) {
    my $table_entry;
    unless ( sysread( $fh, $table_entry, 16 ) ) {
      warn "Cant read master table $_ from $file";

    my ( $table_tag, $table_checkSum, $table_offset, $table_length
       ) = unpack( 'A4NNN', $table_entry );
    print STDERR "Table: $table_tag\n" if $DEBUG>=2;
    $table_tag eq 'name' or next;

    my $table_header;
    sysseek( $fh, $table_offset, SEEK_SET ) or die "Can't seek: $file";
    sysread( $fh, $table_header, 6 );
    my ( $table_format, $table_count, $table_stringOffset
       ) = unpack( 'nnn', $table_header );
    print STDERR "Name Table Entries: $table_count\n" if $DEBUG>=2;
    my $table_base = $table_offset + 6;
    my $storage_base = $table_base + $table_count * 12;

    foreach my $index ( 1..$table_count ) {
      my $entry;
      sysseek( $fh, $table_base + ($index-1)*12, SEEK_SET )
          or die "Cant seek: $file";
      sysread( $fh, $entry, 12 );
      my ( $name_platformID, $name_encodingID, $name_languageID,
           $name_id, $name_length, $name_offset
         ) = unpack( 'nnnnnn', $entry );
      print STDERR "Index[$index]: ", join ( ", ",
              $name_platformID, $name_encodingID, $name_languageID,
              $name_id, $name_length, $name_offset ), "\n" if $DEBUG>=2;
      # ID meanings : figured out from getttinfo
      # Platform: 0=Apple  1=macintosh  3=microsoft
      # Encoding: 0=unicode(8) 1=unicode(16)
      # Language: 0=english  1033=English-US  1041=Japanese 2052=Chinese
      next unless $name_languageID == 0
               || $name_languageID == 1033

      my $name;
      sysseek( $fh, $storage_base + $name_offset, SEEK_SET )
            or die "Cant seek: $file";
      sysread( $fh, $name, $name_length );

      # Decode UTF-16 to UTF-8 if nessary
      $name = pack("U*",unpack("n*", $name)) if $name_encodingID == 1;
      $name =~ s/\0//g;   # clean fonts use UTF-16 when it should be UTF-8
      print STDERR "$name\n" if $DEBUG>=2;

      $font_family = $name       if $name_id == 1;
      #font_subfamily = $name    if $name_id == 2;  # (EG: Regular)
      #font_identifier = $name   if $name_id == 3;  # Unique Name
      $font_fullname = $name     if $name_id == 4;
      #font_version = $name      if $name_id == 5;
      $font_psname = $name       if $name_id == 6;  # Postscipt Name
      #font_trademark = $name    if $name_id == 7;
      #font_manufacturer = $name if $name_id == 8;
      #font_designer = $name     if $name_id == 9;
    last;  # found "name" table -- skip any other tables as irrelevent
  close( $fh );
  return ( $font_family, $font_fullname, $font_psname );

sub ttf_name {
  my $file = shift;

  my ( $family, $fullname, $psname ) = &ttf_file_parse( $file );
  print STDERR "$file\n\t==> $family -- $fullname -- $psname\n" if $DEBUG;

  $fullname =~ s/[^\s\w-]//g;        # Check: Pepsi.ttf
  $fullname =~ s/^\s+//;
  $fullname =~ s/\s+$//;
  $fullname =~ s/(^|\s)-/$1/g;
  $fullname =~ s/-(\s|$)/$1/g;

  $family   =~ s/[^\s\w-]//g;        # Check: Pepsi.ttf
  $family   =~ s/^\s*//;
  $family   =~ s/\s*$//;
  $family   =~ s/\s*(MS|ITC)$//;     # font factory ititials
  $family   =~ s/^(MS|ITC)\s*//;
  $family   =~ s/\s*(FB|MT)\s*/ /;   # Check: MaturaScriptCapitals
  $family   =~ s/^Monotype\s*//;     # Check: Corsiva
  $family   =~ s/^AR PL\s*//;        # Check: gkai00mp.ttf
  $family   =~ s/\sBV$//;            # Check: CandyStore.ttf

  # Determine simple font name
  #   Junk/abbr decriptive strings, foundaries, etc
  #   Test with the fonts given
  my $name = ($fullname);
  $name =~ s/-/ /g;
  $name   =~ s/\s*(MS|ITC)$//;       # font factory ititials
  $name   =~ s/^(MS|ITC)\s*//;
  $name   =~ s/\s*(FB|MT)\s*/ /;     # Check: MaturaScriptCapitals
  $name   =~ s/^Monotype\s*//;       # Check: Corsiva
  $name   =~ s/^AR PL\s*//;          # Check: gkai00mp.ttf
  $name   =~ s/^TTF_//;              # Check: TattoEF.tff
  $name   =~ s/^HE_//;               # Check: Terminal.tff
  $name   =~ s/^KR\s//;              # Check: SimpleFleur*.ttf
  $name   =~ s/\sBT$//;              # Check: Amazone.ttf
  $name   =~ s/\sBV$//;              # Check: CandyStore.ttf
  $name   =~ s/\sFM$//;              # Check: CactusSandwich.ttf
  $name   =~ s/\sNFI$//;             # Check: Zreaks.ttf
  $name   =~ s/SSK$//;               # Check: BravoScript.ttf

  $name =~ s/Regular//g;             # Check: Gecko
  $name =~ s/\bPlain\b//g;           # Check: LittleGidding
  $name =~ s/\bReg\b//g;             # Check: agencyr.ttf
  $name =~ s/\bNormal\b//g;
  #$name =~ s/\bSans\b//g;
  $name =~ s/\bDemi\s*[Bb]old\b/Db/g;
  $name =~ s/\bCondensed\b/C/g;
  $name =~ s/\bBold\b/B/g;
  $name =~ s/\bItalic\b/I/g;
  $name =~ s/\bExtra[Bb]old\b/Xb/g;
  $name =~ s/\bBlack\b/Bk/g;
  $name =~ s/\bHeavy\b/H/g;
  $name =~ s/\bMedium\b/M/g;         # Check: gkai00mp.ttf
  $name =~ s/\bLight\b/L/g;
  $name =~ s/\bOblique\b/Ob/g;
  $name =~ s/\bUnregistered\b//g;    # Check: CandyCane.ttf

  $name =~ s/\s+//g;          # Remove all spaces

  # Special Case Renaming
  $name = "Dot" if $name eq "NationalFirstFontDotted";

  $fullname =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $fullname =~ s/\s$//;
  $fullname =~ s/^\s//;

  # Failed to parse TTF file?
  return( ( $file =~ m/^.*\/(.*?).ttf$/ )[0] ) unless $name;

  return ($name, $fullname, $family);  # return the name if found!

sub do_ttf_font {
  my $file = shift;
  my (@ttf) = ttf_name($file);

  print STDERR join( ' - ', @ttf), "\n"  if $VERBOSE;
  printf $ttf_template, @ttf, $file       if @ttf == 1;
  printf $ttf_template_full, @ttf, $file  if @ttf == 3;

sub do_ttf_fonts {
  for ( locate('ttf') ) {

# Open Type fonts
# I do not know how to parse OTF files (yet)
# so we are stuck with just the filebame
my $otf_template = herefile( q{
  |   <type
  |      format="otf"
  |      name="%s"
  |      glyphs="%s"
  |      />

sub do_otf_font {
  my $file = shift;

  my $name = $file;
  $name =~ s/^.*\///;
  $name =~ s/\.otf$//;

  $name =~ s/-?Regular//g;
  $name =~ s/-?Bold?/B/g;
  $name =~ s/-?Italic/I/g;
  $name =~ s/-?Ita?/I/g;
  $name =~ s/-?Oblique/Ob/g;

  print STDERR join( ' - ', $name ), "\n"  if $VERBOSE;
  printf $otf_template, $name, $file;

sub do_otf_fonts {
  for ( locate('otf') ) {

# Adobe Type fonts
# Get font name from the AFM file
my $afm_template_full = herefile( q{
  |   <type
  |      format="type1"
  |      name="%s"
  |      fullname="%s"
  |      family="%s"
  |      glyphs="%s"
  |      metrics="%s"
  |      />

sub afm_name {
  my $file = shift;

  my( $name, $fullname, $family ) = ('','','');
  if ( open AFM, $file ) {
    while( <AFM> ) {
      chop; last if /^StartCharMetrics/;
      #$name     = $1  if /^FontName (.*)/;
      $fullname = $1  if /^FullName (.*)/;
      $family   = $1  if /^FamilyName (.*)/;
    close AFM;

    $family =~ s/\s*L$//;    # just the stupid 'L'
    $fullname =~ s/\bL\b//;

    $name = $fullname;

    $name =~ s/\bRegular\b//;            # Junk/abbr decriptive strings
    $name =~ s/\bDemi\s*[Bb]old\b/Db/g;
    $name =~ s/\bCondensed\b/C/g;
    $name =~ s/\bBold\b/B/g;
    $name =~ s/\bItalic\b/I/g;
    $name =~ s/\bExtra[Bb]old\b/Xb/g;
    $name =~ s/\bBlack\b/Bk/g;
    $name =~ s/\bHeavy\b/H/g;
    $name =~ s/\bLight\b/L/g;

    $name =~ s/[-\s]+//g;
    $fullname =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $fullname =~ s/\s$//g;
    $fullname =~ s/^\s//g;
  } else {
    warn "Cannot open $file";

  return ($name, $fullname, $family ) if $name && $fullname && $family;

sub do_afm_fonts {
  my %atf;
  # locate abode font files
  map { my ($k) = m/^(.*?).pfb*$/i; $atf{lc($k)}{pfb} = $_ } locate('pfb');
  map { my ($k) = m/^(.*?).afm*$/i; $atf{lc($k)}{afm} = $_ } locate('afm');

  # for each Abode font where BOTH files were found.
  for my $key (keys %atf) {
    next unless $atf{$key}{pfb} && $atf{$key}{afm};
    my (@afm) = afm_name($atf{$key}{afm});

    #print STDERR join( ' - ', @afm), "\n"   if $VERBOSE;
    printf $afm_template_full, @afm, $atf{$key}{pfb}, $atf{$key}{afm}
                                                         if @afm == 3;

# -----------------------------
#  Miscellanous functions
sub locate {
  # This fails under MacOSX
  #return split('\0', `locate -0ier '\\.$_[0]\$'`);

  # Use perl to 'glob' expand '?' in locate output on MacOSX
  return grep {  /\.$_[0]$/i && -f $_ }
           map { glob "$_" }
             split "\n", `locate -i '.$_[0]'`;

sub herefile {  # Handle a multi-line quoted indented string
  my $string = shift;
  $string =~ s/^\s*//;        # remove start spaces
  $string =~ s/^\s*\| ?//gm;  # remove line starts
  $string =~ s/\s*$/\n/g;     # remove end spaces
  return $string;

sub do_font {
  local $_ = shift;

  if ( /\.ttf$/i ) {
  elsif ( $_ =~ /\.otf$/i ) {
  else {
    print STDERR "$prog: \"$_\" skipped, unknown suffix\n";

# ======================================================================
# Main Function
# ======================================================================

print herefile( q{
  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <typemap>

# Read TTF font filenames from a file or stdin
$DEBUG=1,shift   if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-d';

if ( @ARGV ) {

  if ( $ARGV[0] eq '-?' || $ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help' ) {
  if ( $ARGV[0] eq '-f' ) {
    while( <> ) {
      s/#.*$//;         # ignore comments
      s/\s+$//;         # remove end of line spaces
      next if /^$/;     # skip blank lines

  else {
    # TTF font filenames as arguments
    for ( @ARGV ) {

} else {

  # Generate the "type.xml" file using "locate"
  print STDERR "Doing TTF fonts\n" if $VERBOSE;
  print STDERR "Doing OTF fonts\n" if $VERBOSE;
  print STDERR "Doing ATM fonts\n" if $VERBOSE;

print "</typemap>\n";

Monday, April 8, 2013

Process Explorer Windowsのプロセスの詳細を調べるツール

 Process Explorer は、実行中のプログラムの状態を調べるツールです。Windows Sysinternalにあるもので、信用できるものです。ダウンロードして実行するだけのポータブルプログラムです。
 タスク マネージャーでも実行中のプログラム (プロセス) を確認することができますが、Process Explorer はタスク マネージャーと違って、プロセスに関連する様々な情報が確認できます。そのため、アプリケーションの実行に関わるトラブルシューティングを行うときなどに役立ちます。
 Process Explorer は procexp.exe をダブルクリックして実行することで、利用開始できます。


Friday, April 5, 2013

USB Traffice Sniffer - busdog トラフィック
