Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cannot edit posts in

This is more surprising a fact than anything else about

After creating a new blog and trying eagerly to post my first article, I was puzzled by the fact that I could not edit the contents at all! There is only a rotating animation in the center of the window, where I should be able to edit the contents. The title, the label and all other options are accessible though.

Having tried both Firefox and Chrome, on different computers, I was still not able to make any progress.

By some quick searching, I found out that I need to change "Select post editor", of "Setting" - "Basic", from the default "Updated editor (Recommended) " to "Older editor".

It is really disappoint that this recommended "updated editor" does not work even on Chrome. At least I am lucky enough to have found the reason sooner enough from other people's experiences.

Monday, August 8, 2011

iphone proximity sensor problem and fix

As soon as Apple launched it's attractive, powerful and consequently market-dominating smart phone iPhone4, there are also many complaints about its performance. Besides antenna issues, malfunctions caused by its proximity sensor are also of the hot topics among its users.
Mac World gives a  good summary of this problem, in its article "Answers to your iPhone 4 questions: The proximity issue".
Below is a summary.
Purpose: detect when iPhone is close to one's face (cheek), supposedly for making (or during) a phone call
Action: turn off the display and disable touch sensing functions, avoid unintentional operations and reduce power consumption
However like any other "intelligent" devices/features, it does not always work perfectly (aka as one expected). According to Wikipedia, "A proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact.". Among the recognized methods, iPhone uses infrared sensor (at least two inside the ear speaker). Although only for iPhone 3G, Mac World's "How the iPhone works" gives a great summary of the "sciences" behind an iPhone, including proximity sensing. In fact it also have a light sensor on the top-left corner, above the screen. The later is used for automatically adjust the brightness of the LED light, according to ambient light.
Anyway, back to the imperfect performance of iPhone. Since it is in effect only sensing ambient changes in infrared light, iPhone will work the same way not only by the proximity of ear/cheek, but also any other type of changes than consequently cause the same amount of changes in infrared light.
In one word, an iPhone does not really "knows" that an ear is getting close or pressing against it, for sure.

On the other hand, since this feature of iPhone does more good than harm, most of the users do just simply get rid of it, but try to find ways to work around. In fact, only a small percentage of users have had malfunction experiences caused by proximity sensor. And it does not take a rocket scientist to resolved the problem: Settings reset or a hard reboot will do the trick.

For those who do not even know that the problem here is, Youtube posts as below gives a very good description.

Some more tips about sensors in smart phone here. In fact, the other mobile phone platform Android also has similar sensing features as below. The left side is the system variables for developers.
TYPE_ACCELEROMETERAcceleration sensor
TYPE_GYROSCOPEGyroscope(orientation sensor)
TYPE_LIGHTlight sensor(aka Photodetector)
TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD magnetic sensor(aka Magnetometer)
TYPE_ORIENTATIONOrientation sensor
TYPE_PRESSUREPressure sensor
TYPE_PROXIMITYProximity sensor
TYPE_TEMPERATURE temperature sensor(aka Thermometer)
What is more, although hardly categorized as sensor, there is also GPS receiver, which can "sense" the whereabouts of a mobile device, if enough signal from Satellites can be received.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Portable iTunes

Songbird used to support iPod, but changed its policy some time ago.
There seems to be a portable version of iTunes (e.g. PORTABLE_IT711.rar (51.63 MB)), but there is no where to find a reliable and free download site. 
YamiPod is a true portable application that can manage musics and play them on iPod. With this application, one can easily manage his/her iPod without using iTunes.  It requires installation of iTunes, and start iTunes at least once after it starts recognizing iPod device.

SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)is a synchronous serial data link standard named by Motorola that operates in full duplex mode. It is requires more wires than IIC (aka I2C), but has higher communication speed.

A SPI bus has four logical signals:
  • SCLK: Serial Clock (output from master; aka SCK; CLK);
  • MOSI; SIMO: Master Output, Slave Input (output from master; aka SDI; DI, DIN, SI);
  • MISO; SOMI: Master Input, Slave Output (output from slave; aka SDO; DO, DOUT, SO: Serial Data Out; Data Out, Serial Out);
  • SS: Slave Select (active low, output from master; aka nCS, CS, CSB, CSN, nSS, STE: Chip Select, Slave Transmit Enable).
According to wikipedia, there are 4 modes in SPI communications:
In addition to setting the clock frequency, the master must also configure the clock polarity and phase with respect to the data. Freescale's SPI Block Guide names these two options as CPOL (aka CKP - Clock Polarity) and CPHA (aka CKE - Data Clock Edge) respectively, and most vendors have adopted that convention.

SPI Introduction
SPI Block Guide V03.06