Monday, August 23, 2021

Memo of ARM Programming on Cortex M4でのプログラミングメモ

1. 開発環境


2. Compilation error: arm-none-eabi-gcc exit.c:(.text.exit+0x*): undefined reference to `_exit'

According to exit.c:(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `_exit' when using arm-none-eabi-gcc

This happens when compiling a file with arm-none-eabi-gcc in one machine/architecture to load it in an ARM target machine. Most probably you are not making use of semihosting, you want to retarget.

When not using Semihosting, can use below command

$ arm-none-eabi-gcc --specs=nosys.specs $(OTHER_LINK_OPTIONS)


 According [1], "The STM microcontroller used by the evaluation board provides eight GPIO ports, named A-I. Port pins PG6,7,8; PH2,3,6,7; PI10 are connected to LEDs. "

4. Cコードにアセンブラを組み込む


     __asm("add a, b");


__asm int add3_embasm(int i)
  add r0, #3
  bx lr

5. 周辺デバイスへのアクセス

 [17]によると、以下のマクロで周辺アドレスレジスター(peripheral register)にアクセスできます。

#define _VAL2FLD(field, value)
Mask and shift a bit field value for assigning the result to a peripheral register. More...

#define _FLD2VAL(field, value)
Extract from a peripheral register value the a bit field value. More...

6. Instruction width selection

Cortex CM4のGuideによると、強制的に32ビットのインストラクションをにしたい場合、「.W」をつかい、16ビットの場合、「.N」を使う。
There are many instructions that can generate either a 16-bit encoding or a 32-bit encoding depending on the operands and destination register specified. For some of these instructions, you can force a specific instruction size by using an instruction width suffix. The .W suffix forces
a 32-bit instruction encoding. The .N suffix forces a 16-bit instruction encoding.
If you specify an instruction width suffix and the assembler cannot generate an instruction encoding of the requested width, it generates an error.
BCS.W label ; creates a 32-bit instruction even for a short branch

7. ブートローダーとアプリのHEXファイルを一つにまとめる
$ srec_cat bootloader.hex -Intel app.hex -Intel -o combined.hex -Intel

Reference Links

1. Understanding the simple use of GPIO (ARM Cortex M4 CookBook) 

2. General Purpose I/O Pin (PDL_GPIO) and Fast GPIO Pin (PDL_FGPIO)

3. 32-Bit Microcontroller FM4 Family Peripheral Manual

4. Programming of ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers - Part 0 - Tools and basics

5. Tips and Tricks – Jumping from the Bootloader to the Application Code Cleanly

6. Catalogue of parametrised CRC algorithms

7. Calculating a simple CRC

8. C > CRC-8-CCITTを計算 > I2C通信用のCRC


10.  ぐだぐだ低レベルプログラミング(5)Arm組み込みアセンブラとインラインアセンブラ

11. ARM: How to Write a Bootloader

12. How to obtain reliable Cortex M4 short delays

13. ARM® Compiler armcc User Guide

14. Cortex-M3をアセンブリで動かす

15. Programming of ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers - Part 0 - Tools and basics

16. Bare Metal Embedded Systems Build Process using GNU Toolchain

17. Peripheral Access - CMSIS-Core (Cortex-M)  Version 5.5.0

18. リンカスクリプトを理解しよう - GNU Cを使いこなそう


20. SRecord 1.64

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