「アンジャッシュ渡部建 相手女性が「“性のはけ口”に…」」や「渡部建の「不倫騒動」に見えた3つの致命的ミス」、「
【海外発!Breaking News】末期がんと偽り克服本まで出版 嘘を重ね大金を得た女ブロガー(豪)によると、「
ベル・ギブソン(Belle Gibson)が自分を偽り世間を騙そうと思い立ったのは2009年、18歳のことだった。脳のがんで余命4か月だと自身のフェイスブックやインスタグラムに書き込んだギブソンは「ヘルシーな食生活やセラピーでがんを克服した」と更なる嘘を重ね、「The Whole Pantry」という著書を出版、同名のアプリまで作成したことでSNSで認知度を上げた。」
「Only this summer, there were several falls for the sake of a photo, with some of them ending tragically.」
「Guillermo Söhnlein, who co-founded OceanGate with Rush in 2009, said Rush was "keenly aware" of the dangers of exploring the ocean depths.
"Stockton was one of the most astute risk managers I'd ever met," said Söhnlein, who left the company in 2013, retaining a minority stake. "He was very risk-averse."」というコメントががあるし、CEO兼設計者自身が搭乗したのは、ただの自身過剰?
「As they puffed their Cuban cigars on the back deck of the submersible’s mother ship, the Canadian research ship Polar Prince, the night before the scheduled dive, Weissmann said Rush told him how he had gotten the carbon fiber used to make the Titan “at a big discount from Boeing.” Weissmann wrote in Travel Weekly that Rush said he was able to get the carbon fiber at a good rate “because it was past its shelf life for use in airplanes.”
Rush had hailed the lighter carbon fiber as an innovation in a field that has long relied on more expensive titanium and claimed the company had worked with Boeing to make sure the pressure vessel, the carbon-fiber tube that keeps passengers alive, was safe. But the carbon fiber and the shape of the Titan had raised concern among maritime regulation experts and experienced mariners. And Weissmann said he felt that the man who he thought was going to lead him on a 13,000-foot dive to the ocean floor came off as “cocky” when talking about safety.
“I responded right away, saying, ‘Don’t you have any concerns about that?’” Weissmann, 69, recalled to The Washington Post. “He was very dismissive and said: ‘No, it’s perfectly fine. Having all these certifications for airplanes is one thing, but the carbon fiber was perfectly sound.’”
Weissmann added, “I think if I had known everything I know today, I would not have gone. It’s so sad that this aspect of his character is how I think people will ultimately judge him, but it is certainly right that he needs to be held accountable for his actions.”」リスクマネジメントの杜撰さの事実。命を軽視しても低コストを追求するのは実に愚か、疎かで、信じがたい。
The Titan submersible imploded, killing all 5 on board, the US Coast Guard says。「The sliver of hope that remained for finding the five men alive was wiped away early Thursday, when the submersible’s 96-hour supply of oxygen was expected to run out and the Coast Guard announced that debris had been found roughly 1,600 feet (488 meters) from the Titanic in North Atlantic waters.」結局捜索が始まる前に既に大破したようです。どれだけずさんな設備を使っていたか物語っている。
「“These men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans,” OceanGate said in a statement. “We grieve the loss of life and joy they brought to everyone they knew.”」金持ちか有名人だからだろうか?ツアーに参加した人は騙された部分があるにしても、ここまで讃えなくてもいいでしょう。同じことを促すかのようなコメント。無名な人ならば、ここまで国際的な救助活動がなされただろうか。ここまで讃えられるか?逆に無謀なことをするなとか、社会的な責任を持って行動しろとか、批判されるのではなかろうか?
James Cameron says Titan submersible passengers likely had warning just before implosion。「“People in the community were very concerned about this sub,” Cameron told the network. “A number of the top players in the deep submergence engineering community even wrote letters to the company, saying that what they were doing was too experimental to carry passengers and that it needed to be certified. I’m struck by the similarity of the Titanic disaster itself, where the captain was repeatedly warned about ice ahead of his ship and yet he steamed at full speed into an ice field on a moonless night and many people died as a result.
"For us, it’s a very similar tragedy where warnings went unheeded. To take place at the same exact site with all the diving that’s going on all around the world, I think it’s just astonishing. It’s really quite surreal.”
“This OceanGate sub had sensors on the inside of a hull to give them a warning when it was starting to crack,” he told ABC News. “And I think if that's your idea of safety, then you're doing it wrong. They probably had warning that their hull was starting to delaminate, starting to crack. ... [W]e understand from inside the community that they had dropped their ascent weights and they were coming up, trying to manage an emergency.”
The director of the 1997 blockbuster "Titanic" is a longtime member of the diving community, has experience designing submarines able to withstand the depths that the Titan could not and has ventured down to the wreck of the Titanic 33 times himself.」
「The Navy went back and analyzed its acoustic data after the Titan submersible was reported missing Sunday. Coast Guard officials on Thursday announced that the craft suffered a catastrophic implosion, killing all five aboard.
That anomaly was "consistent with an implosion or explosion in the general vicinity of where the TITAN submersible was operating when communications were lost," according to a senior Navy official.」