Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Will Euro Collapse? ユーロは崩壊するか?

(first posted on 2011, Oct. 19)
When searching with the key words "euro collapse", I got more than 100 thousand hits. What is more, they dated back from the beginning of 2011 until now. I can also hear radio talks about it right now. Although nobody can really predict anything, but the more it is talked about, the more chances there will be for it to happen. The sad fact is that it is not anything any single government can do with, least to say any private organizations.

    約一年前に書いたメモではありますが、ユーロが崩壊するかどうかは気になっていたので、ウェブで調べてみました。その時にはまだ為替レートは「1ユーロ=110円」くらいでした。 "euro collapse"(ユーロ 崩壊)というキーワードで検索すると、10万以上のヒットがありました。それだけメディアによって騒がれました。

   今日またGoogleで「ユーロ 崩壊」というキーワードで検索を掛けました。3百35万のヒットでした。為替レートは100円を切っているので、1年前よりはさらにユーロ安になっています。ギリシャやスペインなどの経済危機はまだ回避できるかどうかは議論されています。それで、ユーロは果たしてそろそろ崩壊するかどうかは当然心配されます。




  1. インタビュー:世界経済が崩壊しない限り、ユーロ崩壊ない=権上教授
  2. 債務危機-ユーロ崩壊への終末シナリオ
  3. ソロス氏の警告「ユーロ崩壊、猶予は3カ月」(NY特急便)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs Passed away at 56

When accessing apple's home page, Steve Jobs picture was displayed, with the title "Steve Jobs 1955-2011". He had "fought a rare form of pancreatic cancer", according to Reuters.
We should all thank him for his contributions to our society, and hope Apple employees will keep his spirits, maintaining Apple's superb ability of bring fantastic product and services to the world.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Drive Theory Test

  For people in the United States, regulations differ from state to state. In general, there is nothing hard to get a driver's license, just a matter of time and practice with guidance from elder people. Since there is no universal tests, one cannot easily find on-line resources about driving in the United States. is a good place for this kind of information.
  For people in UK, the The key to getting a driver's license is to pass the theory test first.
  Books of guide (e.g. "The Official Theory Test for Car Drivers and The Highway Code" for UK)are available for this purpose, but I found it hard to locate online resources, especially free ones.
  There are some fantastic sites for UK theory test (e.g. offset details on everything about getting a driver's license.

  Below are some quick tips on driving in the United States.
One needs to STOP before this sign, not just speed down.
Stop signs are commonly deployed as supposed safety measures in residential areas and near places where children play or walk (such as schoolyards), or which experience frequent automobile accidents, making extra precautions necessary (wikipedia)
One "must prepare to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed." (wikipedia)
There is no need to stop, neither slow down upon approaching a railroad intersection.
This is officially called "High-occupancy vehicle lane", also called an HOV lane or carpool lane. It is a lane reserved for vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers. These lanes are also known as commuter lanes, restricted lanes, diamond lanes, express lanes. Bus lanes may not necessarily be intended for use by carpools.
Cannot turn red when the traffic light is red. Some signs simply says "NO TURN ON RED". This, sometimes not being obvious, tends to be missed even by local drivers. But once get caught, a serious fine of a few hundred dollars will be applied. More importantly, it can be deadly if not observed.

No alcohols in the car, not even empty cans or bottles!!!

No littering from the car!!!

When overtaking a bicycle, must leave a 1.5m space from the bicycle!!!

When a school bus is presenting STOP sign, all cars in the same direction must stop. For roads without division fixtures, cars in the opposite direction must also stop!!!

Keep right, when there is no car lanes.

Always turn on the headlight during night time!!!

Must fasten the seat belt!!!

When stopping at an intersection, including at a 4-way stop, always yield to the car that approached first.

When turning left, either the left arrow turns green, or when there is no error signals, when the light turns green

Can turn right even when it is red light, but must yield to the cars on another approach!!!

Finally, for safety, Always lock the door!!!